Been 3 hours

1 min readJan 10, 2021

It’s been three hours since I posted the last blog. And my anxiety is pinging me again. The last blog sounds like a self-help guide. But these are some steps I am taking for my f***ing sanity. Hoping my future self thrives.

My mind is racing. My stomach is upset. And I have had three mugs of water. Walked around for some time and been to the loo. It’s 12.51 am. And the room is cold. My parents fought. My mom went to the room. We all argued. My evening was ruined already. I’m thinking about the last blog and the suckers I call my relatives. I’m angry at them. Their actions. Frustrated by my parent’s fight. I have my driving class today. I’m afraid my anxiety will peak. My stomach feels different. Empty and strange. My wrists aches. And fucking my relatives. I hate them. I’m looking for some console. My friend is not talking to me. I have a class tomorrow. So I must not think about him. I must sleep. Or try to. So my anxiety sleeps with me. Or should I tire my eyes mindlessly watching YT or porn. Porn. It would make me tired instantly. Should I even sleep?




21/ Delhi/ living with undiagnosed anxiety all my life. i put my anxiety in first draft here.