1 min readMar 13, 2021


I see you

A lot of my anxiety is made up of interactions. With people. And a part of my anxiety is subdued by interactions. With people. People play in and out of my anxiety. I get to choose no one, ignore none and hold on to not one in particular.

On the road, a new kind of anxiety kicks in, slicing through the fear of being on road, holding onto the steering, grabbing it, in case need be.

At one interesting intersection, a man got up from his car and walked to mine. “Sir, you need to move.” I knew it was a difficult terrain. A car was parked right in front, at the edge of the road. I had to manoeuvre mine and take the stride. The voice of the man. His body in the middle of the road. His loud shout. “Fucking idiots”.

I needed to move, fearlessly.

I saved myself from spiralling into anxiety. In the middle of the road.




21/ Delhi/ living with undiagnosed anxiety all my life. i put my anxiety in first draft here.